creative doulaship

personalized support for creatives

1:1 support for those birthing creative projects, or desiring to do so. Similar to coaching this offering is often a mentoring process. I’m here to assist you in bringing the imaginal into the tangible, ideas into practice.

what is a creative doula?

Like a traditional birth doula, a creative doula supports you in bringing your visions to life; from pregnancy, to birth, to postpartum. In session we co-create a unique container, based on your needs, for you to be held while moving through growth and expansion. We work together to illuminate the threads between your inner ideas, bringing them into the outer world.

I am here to support you in softening into your process. By opening space to dive deeper into your hopes, goals, dreams, and the blocks to actualizing them, we create momentum for you to live more fully in alignment with your values and creativity. We set you up to create life routines and rituals that put into action the creative ideas you envision.

As a creative doula I am here to offer the wisdom I have gained over the years as an artist, psychotherapist, teacher, & facilitator.

*The term Creative Doulas was inspired by our friend and collaborator Delia LaJeunesse.

who is this for?

✿ Artists ✿ Authors ✿ Dreamers ✿

Students ✿ Visionaries ✿

Creative Doulaship is for anyone needing support in bringing an idea to life. I have supported folks who are wanting to launch a business, create a book, apply to an artist residency, complete an art project, and those needing a container of accountability to reconnect to their creativity.

Anyone who desires to be witnessed in a creative process may benefit from a creative doula. One does not need an idea to begin, a container can often create the conditions for ideas to emerge. Sometimes we need a mentor to assist us in reconnecting to our creativity.

what do sessions look like?

Each session is customized specifically for you, your needs and intentions. Our time together may integrative any of the following:

  • goal-setting exercises to create a map for our time together

  • somatic-based mindfulness exercises to ground you

  • tools for accountability and focus to achieve your goals

  • tangible and emotional support

  • project ideation & conception

  • deep listening, attunement, & reflection when navigating challenges

  • pragmatic support for the nitty-gritty of project logistics

the outline
  • weekly 60-minute virtual/phone sessions

  • a follow up email summary after every session with invitations for the week ahead

  • follow up support between sessions by email or text

pricing & commitment

3 sessions for $370

6 sessions for $663

8 sessions for $832

After an established relationship has been created I offer returning clients one-time sessions for $130.

Sessions are 60 minutes in length. The amount of sessions depends on your project and process. We can discuss this together over a free 15 minute inquiry call. Sliding scale and payment plans are available upon request. To learn more about my sliding scale model please go here.

My experience with the Creative Doulaship offering is truly one that was critical to my unfolding. It was a vulnerable process that allowed me to see beyond my original intentions. Chelsea guided me to gain clarity and had a front row seat in witnessing me step more deeply into myself. Miracles unfolded in my creative journey during our time together and we were BOTH in awe. As a creative, to have someone witness your growth and celebrate with you is more than you can ask for. Especially for someone who is just discovering their creative self. Thank you for seeing me and making me feel so safe during our time together.



One of the biggest takeaways I have from with this work with Chelsea is a deeper curiosity in myself, and the way others process their spiritual, and creative selves. My conversations with people in my life have grown deeper, and more in alignment with my value systems, and where I want to prioritize my energy. I also felt myself move through creative blocks by redefining what it even means to be actively creative. I also found myself moving out of my comfort zone and into growth in promoting, and speaking about my body of artwork. “


When I sought out creative doulaship, I wanted to bolster my creative toolkit, and to deconstruct the limiting beliefs I held around creative endeavors. The relationship cultivated within the doulaship provided me with a sense of grounded ease, and accountability to myself. I so appreciated the spiritual space to process with Chelsea. 

